Xml Validator And Editor For Mac


The CAM editor is the leading open source XML Editor/Validation/Schema toolset for rapidly building / deploying XML /JSON /Hibernate /SQL data /Forms applications. Visual WYSIWYG data design, rule entry wizards + drag & drop dictionary components. Will import, analyze / refactor from XML Schema / JSON. Oracle is a proud enterprise sponsor; with NIEM.gov support. Do SQL data import/map+ Open Data API delivery+ Hibernate JPA + UI Forms/Pencil Makes XSD schema (default, flatten, NIEM, & OASIS modes) + JAXB bindings; Mindmap FreeMind or UML models(XMI); XML unit test & live SQL data; HTML docs + spreadsheets (NIEM IEPDs). Canonical component dictionaries from schema sets, SQL, JSON, ERwin XSD, or spreadsheets. Cinderella escape 2 revenge game buy. The XML CAM templates (OASIS standard) store the exchange structure, content model, code lists, DBMappings, SQL lookups+business rules (XPath).

XMLSpear is a free XML editor with real-time validation. It is easy to use. Mac OS users can open and edit their plist files, even when they are in binary format.

Java CAMV XML/JSON validation engine is a complete exchange test framework XMLUnit, TEAM(Schematron). Java/Eclipse +Saxon/XSL. Oracle is a proud sponsor of the CAM project and its application to the National Information Exchange Model initiative along with XML information exchanges for public sector applications. A CAM Editor with NIEM capabilities Quick Guide is available. Also the JAX-WS Java Starter Kit for Oracle and NIEM is now available here. You can learn more at the Oracle NIEM web site.

Follow the latest news, articles and insights into CAM and XML from the XMLOrb blog site. The OASIS open public standards organization has published the OASIS CAM (Content Assembly Mechanism) member standard. Related Books.

@oscarand: I like your tool. It's easy to use and serves its purpose well. Anyway, I found that it doesn't support some xpath expressions.

Xml Validator And Editor For Mac

Given this xml input: 3000 3000 3000 3002 3002 3005 And the following xpath: (/root/testid=3002/id)1 The tool doesn't return any result. (It should return '3002'). Do you plan to support this kind of xpath expressions in a future release? This would be a good tool, however, when validating xml against an xsd, I get a message: 'Error - The element cannot contain text. Content model is empty'. But it does not tell me anywhere what Node or Element has the error. I finally found which node by manually figuring it out.

This tool should always show what node/element the error occurred on, but it doesn't. I forced other errors too, and many errors do not tell you what node the error occurred on. For example, add any attribute to an element, that isn't allowed in the xsd, and you get an error, but it does not tell you what Node/Element the error is in.

Otherwise, this looks like it would be a good tool.