Rainbow Color Text
This has have rainbow coloring. Adobe photoshop elements 2019 review in english. Edit Ironically enough I am using ff here, so I misunderstood your question.
This effect that you are using is exclusive to webkit, there is no counterpart on firefox to -webkit-background-clip: text.
About: This application allows you to generate c o l o r f a d e d t e x t that can be used to help decorate emails, webpages, profiles, a message board / forum post, a text document, and whatever else you can think of. You can use the different design to help show off your personality or to just pimp out something like an email signature. Dark colors can help you give off a certain moodiness while lighter colors are easy on the eye (as long as the background they're on doesn't make them hard to read).
A variety of output formats are available, though you will most likely want to generate HTML color codes. You can specify the number of colors to use and what colors to use by adjusting the large two-thumbed slider bar. Simply drag one of the sliderbar heads to make adjustments. Below you can see an example image of a slidebar that's been adjusted so that the user is using many different colors and is currently modifying the 9th color. Be sure to try different options for the 'Type of Color Fade' feature. Lots of different fading styles are available, and you may find that one style fits what you're doing better than the others.
This should have rainbow coloring. I want to make a text to have rainbow coloring. This code works fine but only with Safari/Chrome, in firefox the text is transparent. BBcode and HTML text effect generator. Create rainbow text effects and more for your blog or forum.
Also, you may find that black is the best background for making certain designs pop. White also works, but sometimes the lighter colors are hard to read. When using the faded text, don't over it. Too much and people will get sick of it, just the right touch though, and it can add a real nice effect. Other Stuff From patorjk.com.