Neverwinter Nights 2 Cheats
Page Tools More. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Neverwinter Nights 2 for PC. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction, please. Cheats Unverified. Naruto ultimate ninja storm 4 download. Press the TILDE key to bring up console and input: DebugMode 1. Enable codes dmgod. Selected character is invulnerable dmgivegold ##.
Accrue ## gold to party account givexp ##. Bestow ## XP to selected character SetCHA ##. Set charisma stat to ## SetCON ##. Set constitution stat to ## SetDEX ##. Set dexterity stat to ## SetWIS ##.
For Neverwinter Nights 2 on the PC, GameFAQs has 35 cheat codes and secrets. This page contains Neverwinter Nights 2 cheats, hints, walkthroughs and more for PC. This game has been made by Obsidian and published by Atari at Oct 31, 2006. Neverwinter Nights 2 was made in 'Computer Role-Playing' genre and have 'teen' as SRB rating.
Set wisdom stat to ## SetINT ##. Set intellect stat to ## SetSTR ##.
Set strength stat to ## rs gainfluence (#,##). Set influence to NPC, followed by influence.
Max influence is 150. NPC is governed by numeric value: (1,150) Khelgar max influenced (2,150) Neeshka max influenced (3,150) Elanee max influenced (4,150) Qara max influenced (5,150) Sand max influenced (6,150) Grobnar max influenced (7,150) Casavir max influenced (8,150) Bishop max influenced (9,150) Shandra Jerro max influenced (10,150) Construct max influenced (11,150) Zhjaeve max influenced (12,150) Ammon Jerro max influenced (13,150) Bevil (if you invite him in Chapter 3).
Equals (=) Is Not the Way to Go. Use the total key (* or T) to sum your numbers. The easiest way to think of a ten-key calculator is as an adding machine (many of which print this nice little tape for you as proof that you did indeed add that staggering column of numbers correctly). Learn 10 key adding machine. But just as there is a difference between “touch typing” and “hunt and peck” typing, there is a difference between poking the ten key calculator one number at a time and using it correctly in a touch type way. Learning to use a 10-key calculator is indispensable in many business environments. The name is a misnomer, as there are more than ten keys, but it’s a basic calculator with few functions beyond adding, subtracting, division and multiplication. A 10-key is an adding machine with a tape for proof that you add columns of numbers correctly. A 10-key calculator's sole function is to add/subtract numbers. Positive numbers, negative numbers, any kind of number. Adding numbers on a 10 key 10 keys are not as intuitive as you might think.